December 1, 2022

Have you always wondered how to feel confident? Confidence is instantly recognizable in some people. It’s that oomph, that je ne sais quoi, that self-assurance that some people just seem to have. You might think that confidence is something you’re born with, but the truth is confidence is a skill and it can be learned.

One of the reasons women struggle with confidence is that we’re socialized to believe that we shouldn’t be too confident. Our culture teaches us that being confident is boastful or arrogant. Women are socialized to believe that we shouldn’t be too full of ourselves because our primary job is to be selfless, give to others, and take care of everyone around us. Can you relate?

So of course, women are afraid to be confident because they equate it with arrogance.

But confidence isn’t arrogance. Confidence is believing in yourself deeply, and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s the required ingredient for making your every dream a reality & the foundational emotion that you need to have to create the success you want.

As I mentioned, confidence isn’t something you’re just born with.

Confidence can be cultivated and strengthened like a muscle.  The way you do that is by strengthening your belief about yourself & your place in the world.

Priya Rose Ferrie

Here’s the secret: Confidence is created by your thoughts:  your thoughts about yourself, your place in the world, and the relationship you have with yourself.  You can build your confidence with the right tools. I teach my clients practical and applicable tools that have doubled their confidence and helped them do things they’ve never done before.

My clients have started a business without any business training, found love when they weren’t even looking, changed careers after having secured executive positions in their company, launched podcasts, published books and so much more!

The next big secret I’d like to share with you is that you don’t need confidence to get started. You just need a dose of self-confidence.

Confidence comes from being able to do something well, over and over again, like riding a bike. Remember the time you learned how to ride a bike?  I learned at age 14, if you can believe it. I’ve always been a late bloomer, and the universe has a special fondness for folks like us.  I remember falling off so many damn times! But I kept getting back on, getting better, falling less, and eventually making turns without running into walls or trees!

Before I learned how to ride the bike, I had to decide to get on one.  Just because I’d never done it before didn’t stop me from trying.  I remember thinking, “I know I’m gonna fall, I might get hurt, but I will figure it out.” This my friend, is self-confidence.  

Self confidence is the willingness to do something you’ve never done before because you have your back. Self-confidence says, “I got this! and I got me!”  It’s making a decision to have your own back no matter how many times you fail. You don’t need more confidence to take your next step, you just need to have your own back.   

Here’s how to have your own back in 5 steps:

  1. Decide that you might not get it right the first time, and be willing to figure it out.
  2. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion when you don’t get it right the first time.
  3. Don’t be an asshole to yourself!
  4. Celebrate every small step you take.
  5. Love yourself even when you don’t get the result.

Having your back is a necessary practice that’ll help you to keep going even when it’s hard; because doing anything new like building a business, writing the first draft of your book, executing that idea you’ve had for years will be full of failure AND full of growth.  There will be times you’ll wanna quit.  But failing on repeat is the necessary pitstop to your success.  

So if all you need is self-confidence, what would you be willing to try this week?

If you’re ready to 10x your confidence and make your dreams come true, Click here to get on my calendar for a free confidence breakthrough call and see what it’s like to have me as your coach.

I can’t wait to talk to you!



About the author 

Priya Ferrie is a coach & mentor for leaders & visionary entrepreneurs. Priya is a trained homeopath, certified coach, and a graduate of Mcmaster University.  Priya is obsessed with her two dogs and organic french pressed coffee.


Priya Ferrie


How to handle failure in business

How to handle failure in business

Priya Ferrie




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