November 15, 2020


One of the reasons life coaches and online entrepreneurs don't make money is their mindset around money - asking for it, having it, and even spending it.  Most humans have limiting beliefs and trauma around money.  For example, thinking that money is evil is a common thought that's perpetuated in our culture.  But money itself is inanimate & inert, and can't have a quality to it, unless you ascribe one to it.  It's only when you apply your own thoughts to money that it acquires a quality such as good or evil.  Many of us have generational money stories that are passed onto us by our parents, who had a money story passed down to them.  What's your money story?


The way money is handled in families is based on a set of thoughts the family members believe about money. For example, if your parents believe that money is scarce - as an adult you will likely also believe that money is scarce. You might find that you don't spend money on expensive things, or you don't allow yourself to buy the things you really want.  Often these beliefs show up in coaches when they don't hire their own coach because of money scarcity.  And I always ask them how they expect a client to to invest with them if they're aren't willing to invest in themselves.

In addition to taking on our family money story, we also take on money beliefs from our culture.  For example, in many cultures, ambitious women are portrayed to be money hungry and heartless.  Women who choose their careers over raising a family are criticized or judged.  You might be judging yourself as you launch and grow your business.  You might be asking yourself if you're a good mother because you're spending time building your business instead of being with your children (hint: quality time with kids matters way more than quantity).  We often take on society's money story and believe it to be our own. 

One thing that often comes up for my clients is that they think it's hard to make money. Creating more money begins with appreciating what you already have.  Appreciating and acknowledging what you have will put you into the energy of sufficiency.  When you believe that in this very moment you are taken care of, and you practice that belief over and over again, abundance will flow to you. In order to invite money into your life, first you have to check in with your beliefs.  When you start your business, one of the first things you need to do is clean up your money story.  It's something I work on with my clients inside my 1:1 coaching program.  Here are some tips to get you started:

1) Let go of the lack mentality.

Lack mentality is the idea that there's never enough.  When you don't think there's enough you'll find yourself holding onto money.  You'll avoid spending it, even on things you need for your business, such as a coach, or a new computer or a new wardrobe.

Lack mentality can show up as you hoarding objects like old clothes, old bags or purses that you never use.  My favourite exercise to release lack energy is to cull your closet and your home of all the things you haven't used in the last 6-12 months.  Imagine that there is a flow of energy throughout your home, and every item that you no longer use is represents stuck energy.  See how much stuck energy you have around your home?  Cull that shit!

When we release the old, we create space for the new.  Take this exercise seriously and practice discarding things that no longer serve you.  Stand in the belief that there is plenty to go around and something good is coming your way.  You'll feel so much lighter and spacious! 

2) Practice sufficiency.

Sufficiency is a feeling.  Notice that in this moment, you're actually taken care of.  You have everything you need.  The reason you feel insufficient is because you have thoughts about not having enough.  But you DO have enough. How do I know that?  If you're reading this article you have a phone or a computer, you have a roof over your head, you have clothes and food.  Notice, I'm not asking you to limit your ambition.  I'm suggesting you practice feeling sufficient so that you can go out and sign clients without a sense of neediness.  The primary reason coaches believe they need to "get clients" is because of their feeling of insufficiency.  You don't need to get clients.  You create clients.  I can show you how.

3) Practice the thought, "money flows easily to me".

Life coaches, practitioners, and entrepreneurs who want to make the world a better place are some of the most generous people on the planet.  Coaches are the healers of their communities.  But coaches have the belief that it is difficult to earn for their great work.  What if that isn't true?  There are so many creative ways money can flow into your life that you haven't even considered yet.  Practice the thought, "money flows easily to me" and notice how it feels in your body.  If it fills you with ease and makes you feel expansive, practice it daily.  

I'd love to hear how this post shifted your money story.  Reach out and share with me over on instagram.

Ready to take this work deeper?  Click here to book a free consultation to see if we're a good fit to work together.

About the author 

Priya Ferrie is a coach & mentor for leaders & visionary entrepreneurs. Priya is a trained homeopath, certified coach, and a graduate of Mcmaster University.  Priya is obsessed with her two dogs and organic french pressed coffee.

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Priya Ferrie


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