October 19, 2022

how to create consistent content on social media

One of the things my clients ask me is how to create content everyday because they believe they have nothing to say. So I’m sharing the process I take myself through that allows me to turn out consistent content on facebook, instagram and inside my facebook group.

The first thing is that I don’t look at writing social media posts as “creating content”. As a coach, creator, or entrepreneur you don’t want to simply be creating content to please the algorithm – what you want is to create value. Value is created by sharing something that allows your audience to experience a shift or a breakthrough.

As much as I love telling people what to do (LOL), as a coach my job is to ask you thought provoking questions. One question I particularly like to ask is: what happens when you look at marketing as helping people instead of content creation?

When the primary job of your marketing is to serve others deeply, everything shifts.

Priya Rose Ferrie

I often write posts from a place of love and inspiration. When you post for the sake of keeping up with the algorithm alone, you’ll get busy hustling to create content versus creating clients – which is what you actually want. Subsequently, when you learn how to speak your truth on social media, your content will defy algorithms. I have seen this happen time and time again.

Here are some prompts to get you thinking about content creation.

Step 1: Do you know how who you serve?

In order to create valuable content, you have to know who your audience is. This is sometimes referred to as ideal client, dream client, or best fit client.

Not sure who your ideal client is? Try these journal prompts:

  • What is my true work in the world?
  • What’s the thing I love to talk about all day, everyday?
  • What’s something I’m so passionate about I’d do it for free?
  • Why does what I have to say matter?
  • Who would I love to help?
  • What do I want people to know?

As an example, my mission is helping women, entrepreneurs, and coaches take up space, get visible & be highly compensated for their gifts. My purpose is to help dismantle the patriarchy, because let’s be real, it ain’t gonna burn itself. I will always be telling women they are enough, their work is extremely valuable and they get to be paid handsomely for it. Knowing this about my work fires me up every single day.

Note: Don’t be a perfectionist about this. Your mission may not look neat and tidy as mine. Let what you know now be enough and go implement a few things.

2. Connect with your dream client emotionally before you write.

I feel deeply connected to the women I speak to, because I have been that woman. My clients often feel invisible in the world. They feel uncertain about their next steps. I know what it’s like to want to be visible online, but being so afraid of people’s judgement and your opinions. When you want to share your work with the world, but find yourself hiding out on your own platforms for fear of judgement, I get it.

I know the heartache and longing to complete those big projects and execute your ideas, but then telling yourself lies like “there isn’t enough time” or “now isn’t the right time”, when really you’re just afraid that your work isn’t good enough…or that you’re not good enough.

I know the pain of underearning and telling yourself stories of how the very thing you want just isn’t possible for you (this is the biggest lie of all).

So be sure to connect with your person on an emotional level before you write. Know her intimately.

Try these journal prompts:

  • Who is my person?
  • What’s keeping her awake at night?
  • What can I teach her?
  • How can I help her?

Always remember to show up from service, and show up for her.

3. Last, but not least: Tell the truth, be yourself and be authentic.

I decided to lean deeper and deeper into what was true for me and how it could serve my people. That’s really why I share regularly.

Expect critics, haters and naysayers – they’ll always be there. It’s impossible to find a social media platform where you won’t find people who disagree with your views, don’t like you, or your face! Make peace with that. They’re there watching, so let them.

Sometimes you’ll trigger people just by being you, and that’s their work, not yours.

Sometimes you’ll be wrong, you’ll screw up, but just be willing to own it. Be willing to make apologies and do better.

If you’ve been thinking that your business can take off if you could just show up as yourself on social media, you’re right on track. Want to be more visible, take up space and have your work reach more people online and in real life? Then VIP private coaching could be a great fit for you.

Being bolder, braver and expressing your authentic voice and mission requires a set of internal and external skills I can help you cultivate to help you show up as your fully expressed self. Book a free discovery call to see if my VIP private coaching is for you. But don’t wait too long as this option won’t be available once I launch my mastermind. I cannot wait to meet you! Click here to book.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide

About the author 

Priya Ferrie is a coach & mentor for leaders & visionary entrepreneurs. Priya is a trained homeopath, certified coach, and a graduate of Mcmaster University.  Priya is obsessed with her two dogs and organic french pressed coffee.

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Priya Ferrie




Priya Ferrie




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