May 17, 2024

why is my content getting crickets online


Are you marketing regularly but wondering why your content is getting crickets online?

You may have already learned some copywriting techniques. You show up on social media often. But still, clients aren’t reaching out consistently no matter how many calls to action you’re putting out.

You’re spending so much time trying to write well, but somedays you wonder, “is anyone even listening?”

Listen, if getting people to buy your program was simply about following a copy formula, then everybody would be fully booked & waitlisted.

That’s obviously not the case, because there’s more to it than that.

The marketing you’re creating comes from your energy, your alignment with your offers, and your beliefs.

If you’re thinking what does my energy have to do with creating content, think about the last time you tried to write content when you were totally stressed out. You put something out there quickly. You rushed it, and later you found that you had missed key ideas and concepts. This has certainly happened to me more.

What you believe and how you feel shows up in your copy. This is why having a coach who can show you your brain is so valuable.

When I coach my private clients on marketing, we dig into three areas of belief work. We look at their beliefs about themselves as a service provider. We look at their beliefs about their future clients. And we look at their beliefs about their offer. High beliefs in these three areas will lead to powerful and compelling copy that attracts dream clients.

If you want to shift your marketing to be more attractive right-away, try this:

    1. Write when you’re regulated. Don’t write when you’re triggered.
    2. Write to fans, not haters. This means you don’t need to defend yourself, the modalities you use or the offers you sell.
    3. Tell your stories but relate them back to how they serve your clients. That means don’t put a painful story out there that has no resolution.
    4. Don’t write from a place of pressure or urgency.
    5. Detach from the sale. Write to serve your clients.
    6. Watch for the thought “I need money.” That thought will repel people even if your copy follows all the rules.






I start all of my private clients by auditing their content strategy. I show them exactly what to fix so their dream clients start reaching out in the next 60 days.

They save months if not years it would’ve taken them to figure this out in their own & save boatloads of money they would’ve spent on courses that don’t work.

Want dream clients reaching out through your content marketing? Book a complimentary call with me to see how we can get this done for you this month.

About the author 

Priya Ferrie is a coach & mentor for leaders & visionary entrepreneurs. Priya is a trained homeopath, certified coach, and a graduate of Mcmaster University.  Priya is obsessed with her two dogs and organic french pressed coffee.

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